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Emotional Release

Emotional Release: Dr. Branham and our team practice Dr. Bradley Nelsons "Emotion Code".


Each of us has our own modalities that we use to help release trapped emotions. Examples: structural release, chemical release, biofeedback frequency therapy, color therapy, crystals, flower remedies. 

Harboring possible Trapped Emotions within your body may greatly affect your overall physical and emotional wellbeing. However, thanks to Dr. Bradley Nelson’s work and publications in the field of energy healing and muscle testing, you can discover just how beneficial it can be to easily release trapped emotions with the help of The Emotion Code® Chart.


A 4-Step Process

Generally speaking, releasing Trapped Emotions is a four-step muscle testing process that’s designed to prepare yourself, or the person you’re working with, to determine if an emotion is trapped, determine which emotion it is, and then release the identified emotion.


Using the Emotion Code Chart

At first glance, The Emotion Code Chart may look complex, but by spending just a few minutes understanding how it works, you’ll find it’s a key component in potentially finding and releasing Trapped Emotions. After verifying with yourself or your test subject that you are ready to either test or be muscle-tested, it’s time to start asking questions in order to dial in on any potential Trapped Emotions.

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The Emotion Code Chart consists of 60 emotions, divided into two columns and six rows. To begin zeroing in on an emotion, ask yourself or your subject, “is this Trapped Emotion in Column A?” Perform the muscle test and, if the muscle being tested weakens, we believe this is a “no” answer. In that case, ask if the Trapped Emotion is in Column B. In the event you receive a double positive or double negative, we recommend you take a breath, reset, and repeat the questions until you get a definitive answer. Notice that once you have determined which column the Trapped Emotion is in, you will have cut the list in half!


Once you know which column the trapped emotion is in, determining the specific row can help you further pinpoint this particular piece of emotional baggage. Notice that each column consists of six rows. The fastest way to find the Trapped Emotion is to ask, “is this Trapped Emotion in one of the odd rows?” If the answer to this question is “yes,” you have narrowed the list down to the emotions in the odd rows in this column. If the answer is “no,” you will have narrowed the list to the emotions in the even rows in this column. I think you have the idea. If you’ve discovered that the Trapped Emotion is in one of the odd rows in this particular column, the next question would be, “is this Trapped Emotion in row one?” If the answer is negative, ask if the Trapped Emotion is in row 3, then row 5, until you get an affirmative answer. Follow this method until you receive a clear answer of which column and row the Trapped Emotion is in.


For example, if your body responds positively to Column A, Row 3, you will have narrowed your search to just five emotions: crying, discouragement, rejection, sadness or sorrow. At this point, proper procedure would be to test the emotions one by one, asking, “is the Trapped Emotion crying?” followed by a muscle test. Keep in mind that you’re only looking for one emotion on the list at any given time. One of these emotions will test stronger than the others, indicating the Trapped Emotion that you’re looking for. If all of the emotions test weak or “no,” we believe you have uncovered an “inherited” Trapped Emotion, or an emotion that was passed to you from your biological mother or father. You can then use a slightly deeper process to determine where and when the Trapped Emotion originated.


To learn more about how to release potential trapped emotions from yourself and others, visit to download a free copy of The Emotion Code book, as well as the book on audio.


The updated and expanded Emotion Code book is available through or your local bookstores.

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